Anime: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Sukeroku Futatabi-hen
Genre: Drama, Slice of life, Josei
Studio: Studio Deen
Source: Manga
Plot: Ex-convict turned Rakugo apprentice Yotarou has finally taken the name of Yurakutei Sukeroku III, and with his master Yakumo’s permission has attained the lofty rank of shin’uchi. He assumes the name at a critical time for Rakugo, with audiences fewer than ever. At the same time he has started acting as a husband to Konatsu, who is now a single mother. Yotarou thus begins the struggle to fill the role of Sukeroku, both as the future of Rakugo and as a part of Yakumo’s and Konatsu’s lives.
Impression: In my personal opinion, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu was one of the finest shows of the previous year, if not the finest. So it technically didn’t surprise me when S2 was announced. However, what surprised me is how good the show has been up until this point. While S1 didn’t appeal me initially but got better as more episodes were released, S2 has got me hooked from the word go. If you are reading this I will assume you are done watching the first season. Yotarou is at an extremely critical point of his life. He has finally inherited the name Sukeroku and also decided to act as the father of Konatsu’s child taking up a huge responsibility not unsurprisingly. At the same time he comes to realize that he still hasn’t mastered his own Rakugo thus you can easily realize the pressure he is under. Adding to that, the media decided to dig up his past which he is desperately trying to avoid. All of this has already been shown extremely well in just 3 episodes. They did not leave out any detail neither did they over complicate things. There is also the occasional comic relief to provide the viewers with a much needed change of pace. The show is on course of surpassing the previous season and dare I say it this will be a massive miss from your part if you do not watch this show. It’s an 8.5 out of 10 for me up until what I have seen.
Here is the promotional video for Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen:
Here are some screenshots from the first three episodes of Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen: