The Monogatari series is one of the most popular franchises in the Anime/Otaku subculture. Now since the Monogatari series contains a total of 8 animated series and 3 movies (3 part Kizumonogatari movie scheduled to air), many anime watchers get confused about how to watch the series or where to start and what order to follow. In this article Senpai will try to explain the order of the famed Monogatari series both chronological order and airing order.

What is the Monogatari Series?

Monogatari is the combined name of a series of light novels written by Nisio Isin. SHAFT got the green light to make the anime adaptation. Each novel contains a story or multiple short stories, usually focused around specific characters of the franchise.

Animated Series:

The anime adaptation by SHAFT of Bakemonogatari aired 12 episodes between July and September 2009, and released 3 more episodes online between November 2009 and June 2010. The sequel, and second part of the first season, Nisemonogatari, aired 11 episodes from January to March 2012. An anime of the prequel story, and third installment of the first season, Nekomonogatari:Kuro, aired 4 episodes on December 31, 2012. Monogatari Series Second Season began airing on July 6, 2013 and ended December 28, 2013. The recent installment to the animated series was Owarimonogatari which aired from October 4, 2015 to December 20, 2015. Koyomimonogatari is currently airing on Android and iOS via the Koyomimonogatari app. Kizumonogatari will be a three movie series. The 1st part of the movie, Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu-hen recently aired on January 8, 2016.

Now to the issue of watch order that is in which order you should watch the monogatari series. There are two orders one can follow to watch this series. They are described as follows:

Airing Order: The recommended order

The airing order of the show is also the recommended watch order of the show. If you intend to watch the show, Senpai recommends you to watch it in this order.

1. Bakemonogatari (Monstory, Ghostory) is the first part of the first season and covers the first two novels, Bakemonogatari volume 1 and volume 2. It contains the the stories Hitagi Crab, Mayoi Snail, Suruga Monkey, Nadeko Snake and Tsubasa Cat. It is 15 episodes long and contains 5 arcs.
2. Nisemonogatari (Fake Story, Impostory) is the second part of the first season and covers the fourth and fifth novels named Nisemonogatari volume 1 and volume 2. Nisemonogatari contains the stories Karen Bee and Tsukihi Phoenix. It is 11 episodes long with 2 arcs.
3. Nekomonogatari: Kuro (Cat Story: Black) is the sixth novel in the series, and is volume 1 of Nekomonogatari. It contains the prequel story Tsubasa Family. It is part of the first season and was a 4 episode special. It is only one arc.
4. Monogatari Series Second Season, is the second season of the show. It covers novels seven through twelve, excluding Hanamonogatari, the ninth novel. It is 26 episodes long with 5 arcs and 3 recap episodes. The novels that are covered are (in order of appearance)

    1. Nekomonogatari: Shiro (Cat Story: White), the second volume of Nekomonogatari, containing the story Tsubasa Tiger. Novel 7
    1. Kabukimonogatari (Slope Story) containing the story MayoiJiangshi. Novel 8.
    1. Otorimonogatari (Decoy Story) containing the story Nadeko Medusa. Novel 10.
    1. Onimonogatari (Demon Story) containing the story Shinobu Time. Novel 11.
    1. Koimonogatari (Love Story) containing the story Hitagi End. Novel 12.

5. Hanamonogatari (Flower Story) is a portion of the second season of the show, Monogatari Series Second Season. It contains novel 9, with the story Suruga Devil. It is 5 episodes long and contains 1 arc.
6. Tsukimonogatari (Possession Story) is the start of the third season of the show which is called (as a whole) Monogatari Series Final Season. It is the 13th novel, with the story Yotsugi Doll. It is 4 episodes long and contains 1 arc.
7. Owarimonogatari (End Story) is the end of the third season and the 12th novel in the series. The anime contains of 12 episodes and comprises of the stories Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle, Sodachi Lost and Shinobu Mail.
8. Koyomimonogatari (Calendar Story) is currently airing (Winter 2016) and comprises of 12 short stories about Koyomi from that destined Spring Break to the end of university exams.
9. Kizumonogatari (Scar Story, Damaged Goods Story) is a yet to be released movie and the third released novel. Kizumonogatari will release as a three movie series. The first part has already released in Japan. The other two movies are yet to be scheduled. It contains the prequel story Koyomi Vamp. It is considered as a part of the first season.

Chronological Order:

The choronolgical order is just for your understanding the order of the events because the event chronology is pretty messed up in both the anime and the light novels. This order is not recommended for watching the anime. Senpai will very briefly explain the plot of each novel, avoiding spoilers as much as possible. A bit of information: The animated version of the show aired in the order that the novels were originally released, apart from Hanamonogatari and Kizumonogatari. The order in which the novels were published and the order in which the show was animated in are not the chronological order, but the intended order.

  1. Kizumonogatari though it is the 3rd light novel that was published and still remains unanimated, it is actually the first event of the entire Monogatari timeline. It follows the events leading up to how AraragiKoyomi became a vampire. These events occur during Spring Break, March 25th – April 8th.They are referred to often throughout the series.
  2. Nekomonogatari:Kuro the 6th novel in the series, is the second event to happen in the Monogatari timeline. It follows the events surrounding HanekawaTsubasa which occurred during Golden Week. These events occur April 29th – May 8th, approximately 3 weeks after Kizumonogatari. It’s also referenced often in Bakemonogatari.
  3. Bakemonogatari the 1st and 2nd novels in the series. They happen immediately after Nekomonogatari:Kuro, starting May 8th and ending June 14th. It follows Koyomi as he finds himself mixed up with more apparitions: gods, ghosts, myths, and spirits. All of the arcs in this part occur continuously.
  4. Nisemonogatari the 4th and 5th novels, happen approximately a month after the events in Bakemonogatari. They occur between July 29th and August 14th. This story centers more aroundKoyomi’s sisters and follows Koyomi as he deals with them. Both of the arcs in this part occur continuously.
  5. Kabukimonogatari 8th novel; MayoiJiangshi. Occurs August 20th – 21st. Koyomi goes back in time to do his homework.
  6. Onimonogatari 11th novel; Shinobu Time. August 21st to August 23rd, just after Kabukimonogatari and during Nekomonogatari:Shiro. Follows Koyomi through the events that lead him to be absent throughout the majority of Tsubasa Tiger.
  7. Owarimonogatari (Shinobu Mail) August 21st to August 23rd and cotains the story of how Araragi got back with Shinobu and acquired the ‘Kokoro Watari’ demon slaying sword and to slay the Tsubasa Tiger.
  8. Nekomonogatari: Shiro, 7th novel; Tsubasa Tiger. Occurs August 21st – 24th. Follows Tsubasa as she deals with a new oddity. The story is told by Tsubasa.
  9. Owarimonogatari (Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle and Sodachi Lost) contains the story of how Araragi came to know Ougi Oshino and helped solved the riddle regarding Araragi’s childhood friend Sodachi.
  10. Otorimonogatari 10th novel; Nadeko Medusa. October 31st – November 2nd. The story follows Nadeko and a troublesome snake apparition. The story is told from her point of view.
  11. Koimonogatari 12th novel; Hitagi End. Occurs January 1st – February 1st. Continuation of the events in Nadeko Medusa.
  12. Tsukimonogatari 13th novel; Yotsugi Doll. Occurs February 13th – 14th.The story follows Koyomi again, as he discovers a mysterious change happening to his body. This story is the first story from Monogatari Series Final Season.
  13. Owarimonogatari (Mayoi Hell, Senjougahara Rendesvous and Ougi Dark) have not been animated yet. The script for these stories have been finalized and hopefully will be animated soon.
  14. Hanamonogatari 9th novel; Suruga Devil. Occurs April 10th – 21st. The story is told by Kanbaru in her 3rd year of high school. It takes place after Koyomi has graduated high school. This is part of Second Season, but is the final event chronologically.

For your better Understanding, Here is a visual guide:


YES! It is pretty confusing and messed up but this should help you get a brief understanding of the order in which to watch the Monogatari series. Hope this was helpful.